Thursday, July 21, 2011

Adventures in an Apron

I got my Flirty Apron in the mail yesterday! I'm so excited! It's super cute! Check back real soon (as in tomorrow as in a week later! Sorry, told you my get up and go got up and got...lost.) for my Adventures in an Apron. I'll be giving you a promo code for 20% off and tell you how you can win your Apron for free and a $100 gift card! Awesome sauce!!! Here's what mine looks like.

Yes, that's me... (wink, wink)

Head over to Flirty Aprons and check how out how stinkin' cute they are!


  1. Such a cute apron! I'm going to need to get one :-)

  2. I tried to follow, it wouldn't let me. You know you want me to have an apron though!
